Coordinating services on behalf of your child can be taxing.
You might feel like there just isn't enough time in the day to be making all of the phone calls or chasing up all of the unanswered emails need to ensure your child gets the most out of their NDIS plan.
You may feel completely overwhelmed by the responsibility.
​Let Serenity's Support Coordinators help you lighten the load, understand your plan, and achieve your goals!
Serenity offer Level 2: Coordination of Supports and Level 3: Specialist Support Coordination.
Our Support Coordinators may assist you in:​
Assistance writing NDIS plan goals
Assistance with plan reviews
Identifying potential support options
Investigating support options (via research and/or correspondence)
Providing you with a better understanding of how your child's plan can be used, and working with you to maximise your usage
Engaging providers on your behalf (including creation of Service Agreement)
Resolution assistance should an issue arise with a service provider
Taking an active role in monitoring your child's supports and the needs of your child (and family)
Ready to Engage a Serenity Support Coordinator?
Then get back to spending your time and energy doing the things that matter most!