Serenity Social & Support Services are dedicated to supporting neurodiverse children and young people in Adelaide.
We work with:
Autism spectrum disorders
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD); and
Tourette syndrome.
We don't just work with a diagnosis - our focus is on person, client-centred care. We want to support your child - however that may look for them.
Each of our team members bring their own expertise, experience and flare to the table - allowing us to offer a wide range of supports to the young people work with, including (but not limited to) :
Support coordination (Level 2: Support Coordination & Level 3: Specialist Support Coordination)
Support work (One-on-one support, Mentoring & Tutoring)
Therapy assistance (Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology & Exercise Physiology)
What's the Buzz? social and emotional learning (SEL) program (Early Learners, Primary & Teens)
Workshops, activities & events (social groups, free community events, school holiday programs).
We would love to hear from you about supporting you and your child or teenager to find their smile, succeed where they may struggle, & live their very best life.
Denali founded Serenity Social & Support Services in 2020 after 4 years of working as a group facilitator of What's the Buzz? with our sister business New Day Support. She had been pursuing a career in Law (studying at Adelaide University & working in an Adelaide law firm) before deciding to switch to Social Work at Uni SA.
Using her experience working in autism support, her lived experience with autism and ADHD, study in contract law & commercial transactions, and newly acquired Social Work knowledge, she decided to do the impossible; expand her What's the Buzz? passion into the Western suburbs and begin the lifelong journey of learning to provide supports to people just like her.
Denali was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 20. Having lived with the difficulties and shame (as well as the many strengths) associated with the neurodevelopment difference, she knows the struggle of executive dysfunction, emotional regulation and sensory sensitivities.
She is passionate in her work with neurodivergent children and adolescents; she believes everybody deserves love and compassion, and that neurodivergent children need that love and compassion perhaps more than anyone.
Serenity is Denali's pride & joy, into which she puts her heart & soul.